
Thursday, January 10, 2013


1. The Chalk Mural was my favortie project hands down and the most memerable for me. I loved making it at first coming up with what we wanted to do was a struggle but when it hit us we were kind of skeptical at first of the whole thing but once we drew the outline it all just started to fall in place and everyone was loving it. The fact that everyone could walk around school and admire our work that we had been braking our backs over for days! I cant count how many complimnets we've gotten or how many came up to me and told me that Pac Man was their favorite! It Gave me an amazing feeling on the inside! Through the rain and the sweat and the tears we made it. Something i will always remmember. 

2.Game day was one of the most entertaning days in Visual Arts. I remmember playing Scene it Simpsons Version it was kind of hazy because of the lack of knowledge of the game but all in all it was a good time! This project wasnt really a favorite but i learned alot out of drawing this game board. I conquored alot of skill in drawling shapes and how to make objects look 3d and really come to life.All of our time spent on drawling the hall ways and all of thoes little boxes and cities were really paying off! Sometimes when i look back at this i think wow i actually drew that and it is kind of awsome and than i give myself a pat on the back!

3.The Portirt project by far was the most difficut and straining. It was really hard for me to get the other side of the face to match up with the traced one, it took alot of concentration and skill from all of the other projects i have done before hand that got me even this far. without all the trainning and practice i doubt that this would even look as it does now. I like to think back before i took this course and see how far i have come and smile. My skills have improven over probaly 100% before i set foot in Mr. Sands class with is pretty outstanding if i say so myslef.

4.The moss project was one of the cute fun little activities that we did. It was something intresting but it wasnt all that irrelivent to what i really wanted to achieve while in this class. There was really no concept to it or skill just a little mixture of some nasty smelling stuff Mr. Sands told us if we put it on the wall than it would grow like one of thoes chi chi pets. Im not sure if it ever did i might just go back and check one day but as for now im pretty sure it was all washed away. 

5.The spray paint project is the most benificial twards my piece of mind.The American flag represnts our freedom and it defines me in a way because i am also a free soul. I do what i feel and act how i pleas, the colors are beautiful and looking at it reminds me that everyone has a say and we are all individuals that have a say and that i matter in this world making me feel a certian type of way witch is amazing.